Unzipping Reality

unzippcover225UNZipping Reality is a welcome bridge for full spectrum enlightenment, that leaves no loose ends unconnected. At last, the frustrating gaps between world views are closing. Now, the spiritually-minded can gain those vitally missing puzzle pieces exposing an elitist agenda-driven world! Finally, the monotonous stalemate of Left/Right political debate has somewhere else to go! By exploring the 11 Steps to Create the World We Want, you will learn how Humans are actually energy conductors on a planetary level for what has been, until now, their own self- imposed mental prison. This uniquely illustrated book is a practical tool for waking up both yourself and then others, out of that prison, to participate in a new and unzipped reality, regardless of political label or religious hue.

With every Human institution now at the crossroads, how do we know which road to take? Are the signposts reliable and true? Will Mankind repeat History (yet again) or choose a route which leads to real freedom and breathtakingly new scenery? Leah LaChapelle answers these questions and more, by guiding us to first locate the “zipper pull of our conscious awareness”, and then to reach up, grab hold and – PULL to see what has been hidden from our view.

Whether you’re a hard core, liberty-loving, live free or die patriot – or a touchy-feely, lofty new age philosopher –or anywhere in between– get ready for your current view of reality to be dramatically UNZipped! So go ahead….your reality is anxiously waiting to be UNZipped. Take hold and P U L L ! !


Further Reading

new_paradigm-s embrace-rnbow becoming uncsense2 EndGame-lg